Package com.evelopers.unimod.validation

Interface Summary
CompletenessListener Listener of validation events.
ConsistencyListener Listener of inconsistent transition pairs.
StructureListener Listenes to structure errors.

Class Summary
CompletenessCheckVisitor Visits every state and checks completenes of guard condition set.
CompletenessValidator Validates completeness (every state has complete system of transitions for every event).
ConsistencyCheckVisitor Visits every state and checks consistency of guard conditions set.
ConsistencyValidator Validates consistency (every state has consistent system of transitions for every event).
StateMachineValidator State machine structure validator.
StateTransitionsDecorator Adds some functionality to State
StructureValidator Validates structure (checks that every attainable composite state has initial state).
StructureVisitor Builds map of attainable states for statemachines.
ValidationMessenger Implements all validation listeners and messages about validation events to PrintStream.
ValidationTool Validates StateMachine described by xml and dumps all errors.