Interface ExceptionHandler

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ExceptionHandler

Model engine client can implement this interface and pass it to AbstractEventProcessor engine to be able to recevie notifications from engine about exceptions.

Such approach is being used, because there are at least two models of runtime event processing - synchronous and asynchronous. For synchronous model, client could be notified about exceptions with a help of com.evelopers.unimod.runtime.ModelEngine#handle method, but in asynchronous this couldn't be made. So callback approach used for both models.

Method Summary
 void handleException(StateMachineContext context, com.evelopers.common.exception.SystemException e)
          Called by state machine engine when exception occurs during event processing

Method Detail


public void handleException(StateMachineContext context,
                            com.evelopers.common.exception.SystemException e)
Called by state machine engine when exception occurs during event processing

context - state machine context
e - exception