Interface OperationResolver

public interface OperationResolver

This interface should be implemented in case when actions associated with methods of ControlledObject could be resolved.

For given controlled object handler and action name implementor should return return-type of operation or null if controlled object doesn't have an operation with the name same to given action.

Nested Class Summary
static class OperationResolver.VOID
Method Summary
 java.lang.Class getOperationType(ControlledObjectHandler object, java.lang.String actionName)
          For given object and actionName this method returns return-type of operation or null if object doesn't have an operation with the name same to given actionName.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Class getOperationType(ControlledObjectHandler object,
                                        java.lang.String actionName)
For given object and actionName this method returns return-type of operation or null if object doesn't have an operation with the name same to given actionName. For methods with "void" return type this method must return OperationResolver.VOID constant.

object - controlled object handler to explore
actionName - name of operation to search
return-type of object's operation with name eqaul to actionName or null if object has no operation with name actionName